
教研助教奖学金(GTA / GRA)

研究生助教和研究助理是学生雇员. 按照以下步骤开始:

  1. Speak with your supervisor or department head about submitting the GTA/GRA contract on your behalf
  2. 完成并提交学生就业协调员要求的所有文书工作
  3. It is important to complete and return student employment paperwork before beginning work. Students should not begin working until all paperwork is turned in to 学生就业
  4. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 学生就业 网页

按时完成并归还学生就业文件是很重要的. Student employees are not allowed to begin work until all necessary paperwork is complete and turned in. 不完整的文书工作无法处理,可能会耽误你的薪水.

国际学生必须持有美国社会安全卡才能在校园工作. The Social Security Administration General Information and Services may be reached by calling 1-800-772-1213. 孤峰办公室位于哈里森大道2201号,可通过电话联系 1-888-632-7068.


  • Timecards are submitted every other week for graduate students who are being paid hourly.
  • GTA/ GRA positions are paid an automatic stipend once all paperwork is processed by payroll
  • 学生的工资周期是两周一次. 学生在工资期结束后两周的周三领取工资.
  • Teaching and Research Assistants will receive ten (10) paychecks per semester: September-January for Fall employment; January-May for Spring employment.
  • 研究生必须至少修满九(9)个学分,除非他们有GTA或GRA, 哪些课程至少需要六(6)学分.
  • Student employees cannot exceed 20 hours of work per week between all of their campus jobs.


  • Eligibility to continue an award is determined by the Department on a semester-by-semester basis and is based upon the following criteria as well as the availability of funds: 1) satisfactory progress toward the 学位; 2) maintaining a 3.平均绩点0; and 3) continued registration for at least 6 credits at the 4000-5000 level for the duration of this award.
  • Because award funds are very limited and there are other applicants who are also interested in receiving funding, we ask that you confirm your acceptance of these awards by signing and returning your award letter immediately.


学费减免 are given by the department and waive either In-State Tuition and/or Out-of-State Tuition. Eligibility to continue an award is determined by the Department on a semester-by-semester basis and is based upon the following criteria:

  1. 资金的可用性
  2. 取得令人满意的学位进展
  3. 保持3.平均绩点0
  4. Continued registration for at least 6 credits at the 4000-5000 level for the duration of the award. (在最后一个学期注册较少的学分是可以接受的, 学生是否修满了完成学位所需的所有学分. This enrollment exemption will not extend to future semesters if the student does not complete the 学位 that term)

请注意,根据BOR政策940.41岁的 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院研究生学费政策 sets tuition for graduate students who are Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) receiving GTA or GRA support of at least $4,每学期的住校学费为1万美元. 因此, GTAs and GRAs who are not 蒙大拿 residents are awarded a TARA waiver equal to the difference between resident and non-resident tuition. 对硕士生来说,塔拉豁免仅限于四个学期.


的罗纳德。 & Jessie Little Graduate Endowed Scholarship was established for 蒙大拿 Tech graduate students who have returned to school after working in industry for a minimum of eight (8) years. Apply for the 小奖学金 if you received your Bachelor's Degree more than eight years ago and have worked in industry since you graduated.


The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) was established over 55 years ago to promote the sharing of higher education resources among Western states. 其中一个项目是西部地区研究生项目(WRGP). WRGP makes many high quality graduate programs available at reasonable cost to students in 15 Western states. 更重要的是, 它包括围绕教育设计的广泛的研究生课程, 社会, 以及西方的经济需求.

菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 has all of our on-campus graduate 学位s offered at 150% of resident tuition for all students attending from WICHE states. Our Master of Science programs are in Ecological Restoration; Electrical 工程; Environmental 工程; General 工程 with options in mechanical or civil; 地球科学 with options in engineering 地质, 地质, 地质工程, 水文地质, 水文地质工程, 地球化学, and geophysical engineering; Industrial Hygiene; Materials Science and 工程; Metallurgical 工程; Mining 工程; and Petroleum 工程. We have PhD programs in Earth Science and 工程 and in Materials Science and Graduate certificates in Restoration and Computer Science.


  • 阿拉斯加 
  • 亚利桑那州
  • 加州
  • 科罗拉多州
  • 夏威夷
  • 爱达荷州
  • 蒙大拿
  • 内华达
  • 新墨西哥
  • 北达科他
  • 北马里亚纳群岛
  • 俄勒冈州
  • 南达科塔州
  • 犹他州
  • 华盛顿
  • 怀俄明

Students enrolling through WRGP are eligible to enroll at resident rates of tuition in these 15 states, 而且不需要证明有经济需要.


  • 冶金/矿物加工
  • 地球科学